Grand River Rafting: Five Oaks Trip (Self-Guided)

Five Oaks to Brant Park is our shortest Grand River trip.

This route is in a wilderness setting… so no stores or shops! There are lots of bird sightings from Bald Eagles to Blue Herons. There are turtles, wildlife and fish… but nothing dangerous to people. Best of all, there are no mosquitos.

This is an excellent route for beginners to safely experience a river paddle, because it is shallow in most spots, allowing non-swimmers to stand up!

It is a 5 km river trip. You paddle one way with the current helping you. Most people take 1 hour to 2.5 hours depending on the type of boat, how much you paddle… and whether you stop to swim!

If tubing, most people take 2 hours. Tubes are designed so that parents can tow their children.

If in a canoe, kayak, raft or SUP… people average 1 to 1.5 hours at a leisurely pace. When the river is flowing fast after heavy rain, you don’t have to paddle at all!

We normally suggest 4 years of age and up. For weight, if over 270lbs, please call or email our office to see what boat is best.

With us, no waiting for a return pickup after your trip!

Simply park at Brant Conservation Area, get outfitted and we shuttle you upstream to the start point… then you paddle back to your vehicle… so you are good to go when done.

There are washrooms at the parking area and start point… plus we have a picnic area 1 km downstream. At the riverside picnic area there is shade, tables, garbage containers and more washrooms.

There are 4 easy little swifts to paddle through, but most of the water is easy and flat, with little current.

Along the way there are spots to stop and swim. Finding swimming spots is easy… peer over the side of your boat… put your paddle down and see how deep it is! The river averages 1-2 meters in depth.

The Grand river has a stone-gravel bottom… so having shoes to protect your feet from the rocks, is a very good idea.


Date & Times: Various across Seasons and Days Price: $35 to $50 per person depending on choice of transportation

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